Healing Your Relationship with Food: Exploring Resonance and Unconscious Contracts

#limitingcorebeliefs #resonance Sep 10, 2024

In our FREE Book Club, we explore two of the many powerful concepts that can transform our understanding of ourselves and our relationship with food: resonance and unconscious contracts. Let's dive into these ideas and see how they can pave the way for emotional growth and healing the reasons we go to food.

Understanding Unconscious Contracts in Our Relationship with Food

Unconscious contracts are agreements we make with ourselves, often in childhood, as a way to navigate our environment and relationships. When it comes to food, these contracts can significantly impact our eating behaviors. Some examples of food-related unconscious contracts include:

  • "Food is my only source of comfort."
  • "I don't deserve to be healthy or at a comfortable weight."
  • "Eating is the only way I can cope with stress."
  • "I can't trust myself around certain foods."
  • "My worth is tied to my body size or shape."

These contracts shape our behaviors and expectations around food, often without our conscious awareness.


The Impact of Unconscious Contracts on Our Eating Habits

Our unconscious contracts can significantly influence our relationship with food:

  1. Emotional Eating: They can lead us to turn to food for emotional comfort, even when we're not physically hungry.
  2. Restrictive Behaviors: Contracts about worthiness or control might result in restrictive eating patterns.
  3. Self-Sabotage: Some contracts might cause us to undermine our efforts at developing healthier eating habits.

Discovering Your Food-Related Unconscious Contracts

Identifying your unconscious contracts is the first step towards change. Ask yourself:

  • What beliefs do I hold about food and eating?
  • Are there patterns in how I use food to cope with emotions?
  • What "rules" do I seem to live by when it comes to food and body image?

The Power of Resonance in Healing Our Relationship with Food


Resonance is a powerful tool for healing our relationship with food. It involves acknowledging and validating our emotions and experiences around eating. Here's why it's so important:

  1. Creates Compassion: When we resonate with our feelings about food, we create a compassionate space for exploration without judgment.
  2. Builds Body Connection: Resonance helps us tune into our body's true needs and signals.
  3. Facilitates Healing: By acknowledging our emotions without judgment, we can begin to process them without turning to food.

Practicing Resonance with Food and Body

Here are some ways to practice resonance in your relationship with food:

  1. With Cravings: When you experience a craving, try responses like, "I hear that you want comfort right now. That's okay."
  2. With Body Image: Acknowledge your feelings about your body without judgment. "I'm feeling uncomfortable in my body today, and that's alright."

Using Resonance to Address Food-Related Unconscious Contracts


Resonance can be a powerful tool in addressing our unconscious contracts around food:

  1. Acknowledge the Contract: "I can see how I've been living by the belief that food is my only comfort."
  2. Validate the Origin: "It makes sense that I developed this belief given my experiences."
  3. Open to New Possibilities: "I wonder what other forms of comfort I could explore?"

The Journey of Healing Your Relationship with Food


Remember, healing your relationship with food is a process, not a destination. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Patience is Key: Change takes time. Be gentle with yourself as you explore new ways of relating to food.
  2. Small Steps Matter: Even tiny shifts in your thinking or behavior around food can lead to significant change over time.
  3. Seek Support: This work can be challenging. Don't hesitate to seek help from a therapist, nutritionist, or support group.


By understanding our unconscious contracts and practicing resonance, we open the door to a healthier, more peaceful relationship with food. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, one that can lead to profound healing and transformation.

As we continue on this path, let's embrace curiosity, practice resonance, and be gentle with ourselves as we unravel the complex tapestry of our relationship with food. Remember, every step toward understanding is a step toward healing.

Join us in our upcoming FREE Book Club to explore these concepts further and start your journey towards a healthier relationship with food. Together, we can heal the reasons we go to food and discover a new way of nourishing ourselves - body, mind, and soul.

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