TSA – Normalize Excess Skin – the Start of the Skin Sisters!
Jun 24, 2022
After years of living in a morbidly obese body, protecting myself for all sorts of reasons, never expecting I would lose the excess weight, always hopeful I would stay healthy as I had managed to cure my asthmatic lungs, heal my decades of horrific hives, but never being able to lose the weight, I finally did! And I’ve kept it off since November of 2018. In the miraculous transformation, I found another magical side gift – my skin slowly morphed as I released the weight that had been my friend for so many decades…. and left beautiful new reminders of where I had been.
As a practical matter, I am forever grateful for these reminders, and know the machines are not able to register excess skin properly – like the TSA machine, or the Dexascan or the Bodpod – they register it as either lean, fat or in the case of TSA – potential explosives (HA!) So, we were forced to create our own formula to determine when we reached our optimal weight – which is a great way to compare and measure when we’ve MADE IT.
This is the calculation of how some of us from the Skin Sisters have figured out how to help calculate a Bright Sized body due to our wonderful, delightful, magical skin thanks to carrying excess weight for decades.
Here’s mine:
My highest weight – 315
My lowest weight as an adult or expected weight as an adult – 115 (You can use the french formula or a number you remember being right sized)
As a right-sized human – our skin takes up 14% of our total body weight. Since we are displacing some excess skin as we release the adipose tissue to the universe, and since we cannot take the opinion of a body scan as those machines don’t know how to account for excess skin, we take between 10 and 14% of the difference and add that to our base weight like this:
315-115 = 200 x .14 = 28. I Sharpei’s eyebrows!
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