My Thyroid Journey: Validation, Hope, and Lessons Learned

Sep 15, 2024

As someone who has lived on and off the weight loss roller coaster for years, I've dedicated my life to helping others find a sustainable path to health. My personal struggles have fueled my passion and commitment to walk alongside others on their journeys. Today, I want to share a recent chapter in my own story – a chapter that reminds me why this work is so vital.

The Shocking Discovery


When I saw my latest TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) test result, it felt like a thunderbolt - both validating and shocking. The number 12 stared back at me, starkly contrasting my usual 1.4. To put this in perspective, the difference between a TSH of 12.2 and 1.2 is like the difference between a resting blood glucose level of 90 and 1080 - it's that dramatic. (To be clear, TSH level changes impact us over time, are often big and silent, and takes time to adjust, vs. blood glucose levels that vary quite a bit over each day).

In that moment, I was transported back to a time when, after five grueling years of doctor visits and hospital stays, we finally received a diagnosis for my daughter: Arnold Chiari Malformation I. Just as that diagnosis brought a mix of concern and relief, my TSH result stirred a whirlwind of emotions.

Validation and Vulnerability

This result validated the struggles I've been facing: the stubborn weight gain, the puffy face, and even the knee pain. Suddenly, there was a tangible reason for these challenges. I could finally take a deep breath and say, "Wow, now I know why."

But as a coach, I felt a particular sting from my puffy face. I worried about appearing hypocritical - the classic "do as I say, not as I do" scenario. I imagined what might be going through others' minds, even as I recognized that much of this anxiety likely existed only in my own head.

The Beautiful Truth

Here's the beautiful truth I've come to realize: this journey - before, during, and after - is all part of the process. I know how well I eat. I know I don't consume ultra-processed garbage. EVER. I know I'm on the right path. This awareness is a gift, not just for me but for everyone I work with.

Moving Forward: The Power of Patience


Moving forward requires patience, which I admit is a struggle for me. The process of recalibrating my medication will be slow and methodical. But isn't this the perfect metaphor for the journey we're all on? Quick fixes don't exist, but steady progress does.

So, what now? I keep breathing. I practice patience. I lean into the discomfort of contradiction and use it as a tool for growth. I remember that my journey - with all its ups and downs - is the very reason I do what I do.

Sharing the Journey


By sharing my path and talking openly about these challenges, I allow others to see themselves in my journey. The more I can gift my own awareness and share my experiences, the more effectively I can support others.

This is why I do what I do. I've walked this path, I continue to walk it, and I invite you to walk it with me. Together, we can navigate the complexities of health, weight, and self-image with compassion, understanding, and hope.

A Message to You

Your journey is valid. Your struggles are real. And your path forward is uniquely yours. Let's embrace it all, together.

Remember, health is not a destination, it's a journey. And on this journey, every step, every challenge, and every victory counts. My thyroid journey has reminded me of this truth, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share it with you.

What unexpected health lessons have you learned lately? I'd love to hear your stories in the comments below.

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