My list of Why's that helps me make the RIGHT hard choices...
Jun 24, 2022
Nov 2016 started my latest journey of abstinence from Sugar and Flour – 170 pounds released, staying in my healthy body since Nov 2018. I’m still shocked that I’m here. I started at 315 pounds having been diagnosed Type 2 AND High Cholesterol. I am no longer either. Along my journey to health, I've also released severe allergy based asthma and fibromyalgia, endometriosis and severe arthritic pain. Here are some random thoughts on my journey to peace and freedom around food.
1. I know beautiful serenity, complete and utter peace and tranquility around food – mine, yours and all the poison that no longer invades my mind because it no longer infests my body.
2. I’m crystal clear that removing sugar and flour from my world is the reason for number 1.
3. I will share my “secret” with any and all wanting to know more.
4. I never struggle to laugh – happy is my standard.
5. I rarely have food cravings. Ever. I do grieve some foods, but they are poison to my body, my future, my beautiful life.
6. I eat more vegetables in one meal than I used to in a week.
7. Food tastes incredible when you remove sugar from your world.
8. I eat in black and white so I can live my life in color.
9. I have dimples now!
10. I no longer chew my nails. I don’t know if it’s because I no longer eat any BLT’s (Bites, Licks or Tastes) or if it’s because I’m so calm – or both!
11. I regularly cross my legs. This is a big deal.
12. I adore greens and can taste the distinctive differences, the nuances, between them.
13. I regularly wear layers and don’t worry about appearing fatter.
14. I can sit on the floor – AND get back up – without piddling a little.
15. Candida no longer controls my body – my heels are smooth, my dandruff is gone.
17. I have a lap and can rest my laptop on it.
18. I don’t need a seatbelt extender.
19. My cholesterol dropped from 340 to 155 in 4 months.
20. I can see my toes.
21. Leptin has returned to my healing brain – urging me to get up and move after a meal.
22. I love myself.
23. Creativity flows everywhere – thanks to no more food fog.
24. I can wipe my ass easily – in any stall – wearing skinny jeans.
25. I sleep really well.
26. Anxiety and stress are rarely dancing around – I just don’t panic.
27. I meditate – sometimes twice a day – and relish it.
28. I can shop in any store.
29. I am a food addict and proud of my realization and surrender.
30. In the beginning I wrote down my food the night before to release me from anxiety around choices.
31. I walk up stairs and down carrying things and never get winded.
32. I am confident
33. My willpower is replenished being in service to others.
34. I have more energy than I’ve had in 34 years.
35. My skin glows
36. I can feel my collar bones, my hip bones, my shins, my cheek bones, my jaw.
37. My shoes are loose
38. I’m a RUNNER!
39. I drink 140-160 oz of water every day.
40. I walked 20,000 steps at Disney and barely noticed it the next day.
41. I regularly skip.
42. I don’t get sick
43. I only eat whole, organic food.
44. I will reach and maintain my goals. Any and all I set.
45. I have three mastermind groups who truly support me and I’m committed to connecting with them each week without fail.
46. I’m honored to lead multiple Gideon Games groups because I’ve held my bright lines.
47. You, too, can do this. It’s not as dramatic or drastic as you think.
48. Just as with alcoholics, removing the addictive food is the only way to clean your body and clear your head.
49. My knees are super happy.
50. I can ride any ride any where.
51. I do not have more willpower than you. I have science. I replenish willpower with meditation, gratitude, prayer, sleep and being in service to others.
52. I am growing due to meditation, journaling, friendship but I am still me.
53. I am not better after releasing 170 pounds, I am healthier.
54. I believe the bucket list I had put away will be completed now.
55. I wear jewelry now.
56. I have cleared out my closet and shopped in my garage – removing too large clothes forever.
57. Yes, I have a lot of extra skin. I am VERY proud of it. Might make a coffee table book of the most amazing parts of extra skin!
58. Patience is a virtue – do the work and you will be rewarded.
59. I have and maintained my goal of a right-size body since Nov of 2018.
60. I have such peace because I weight my food.
61. I treat myself gently – no shame, guilt, judgement.
62. I am grateful for challenges in my past that have brought me here today.
63. I do not regret a single pound I have had to release. I honor my journey.
64. I have kept my four bright lines bright for the 1000 days I’ve been on bright line eating.
65. I am regular as clockwork – fiber is a great thing.
66. My joints feel amazing!
67. My friends and family love me regardless of my size.
68. I keep my eyes on my own plate. My journey is here. You are welcome to ask me about it but I’m not going to preach or lecture. Ever. I wore my addiction on my sleeve and won’t allow anyone to demean my past self. Fat shaming sucks.
69. I am 61 and feel as young as when i was in high school…. with all the benefits of the wisdom of my age. Ageism is also not a thing with weight loss. It’s not a hormonal thing. Just follow the freaking plan and you will be successful too.
70. I am not on a diet.
71. I have a new appreciation for celebrations – it’s really not about the food, it’s about y’all!
72. I treat myself to things and people and events and living.
73. I march because I can.
74. My spirit is filled with joy and grace and laughter and light.
75. I am so very grateful for my friends and family.
76. I’m incredibly thankful for the deep friendships I now have, thanks to my addiction and surrender. You have all supported me so much on this journey and will continue to for as long as I can connect!
77. I feel anger and have learned how to reshape it to be a great motivator.
78. I feel disgust and appreciate its depth.
79. I feel grief at the loss of “treats” but know exactly what they taste like. I’ve had enough to last several lifetimes. I now redefine “Treat”
80. I feel joy. Regularly. And know it will return again and again.
81. I feel pain at the loss of a past love and know it’s not something to eat over. It’s something to experience and know I will also appreciate when it returns.
82. I feel sadness and know it is part of living completely.
83. I actually experience giddiness!
89. I’ve run a half marathon, a 10k and several 5k’s
90. I work out 7 days a week and truly enjoy it!
91. I see flour and sugar and it looks like plastic. Not My Food
92. I will go without food rather than eat off plan.
93. I’ve joined several local meetup groups because I want to live.
94. My daily practices are not perfect. Progress over perfection!
95. I really love lighting up the TSA scanning machines at the airport… then spending a few lovely pat down moments talking about how I released all this weight!
96. I truly enjoy holidays with my family where i concentrate on the people and not the food.
97. I don’t have to try on my clothes before a vacation because I know they will fit.
98. The smallest Costco pants sizes are too big for me.
99. I can see the veins in my hands and feet.
100. I can do my own pedicure
101. I’ve managed intense hunger and come to find it to be a positive part of my day. I know I can conquer anything. Hunger is not an emergency. It is a part of life!
101. I have space in my mind to appreciate the little things like peonies and bees knees.
102. I have space in my mind to fill my world with magic and possibility.
103. I have parts that are vibrant and happy and hard-working and want only what’s best for me. Together WE GOT THIS!
104. I love Marco Polo and am not afraid to post whilst running and sweating and jiggling without makeup!
105. I can fly to any city on the planet and know there is someone who I’ve never met that will take me in! I love all of you, my sweet community!
106. I have stayed clean during Covid-19! And I’m a poet and don’t know it!
107. I’ve been dating and for the first time in my life I’m not painting red flags WHITE!!!
108. I am taking spiritual courses to raise my consciousness in large part because my brain is clear of food fog.
109. I will find my brilliant partner and NOT SETTLE for anything less than wonderful because I’ve done the hard work.
110. I’ve NEVER gone this long holding the same weight.
111. My clothes are wearing out.
112. I love learning.
113. I am no longer a high-risk category for Covid-19
114. In my wildest dreams if you had told me 3.2 years ago that I’d be here now, I’d say, ‘Never!’
115. I was a master reframer prior to my freedom and it has now elevated to a SUPERPOWER!
From a beautiful meditation:
116. All that I need to live my legacy is either with me now or well on it’s way.
117. I am growing stronger in my unique talents everyday.
118. I believe in my abilities and am worthy of greatness.
119. I love who I am and see challenges as opportunities to grow stronger.
120. I follow my own path and tune into my source to guide me.
121. I embrace change, follow my bliss, and breathe away fear.
122. The only thing that will take me out early is a big bus.
123. My massage therapist called me an ATHLETE!
124. I have excess skin – lots of angel wings and waterfalls, and apron strings and sharpei’s eyebrows on my cute ass.
125. I can and regularly do give myself a pedicure.
126. I can travel to Europe and not worry about losing my luggage.
127. The future looks rosy, rich and chock-full of crazy!
128. I notice and I wonder.
129. I LOVE EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF MY LIFE! I love the ups and the downs, the sunshine and the cloudy days, the giggles and the tears, the giddy and the disgust. I feel.
130. I’m so incredibly happy I can’t hardly stand it.
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