My Health Journey: Some of the Triumphs and Challenges

Oct 13, 2024

For over eight years, I've been on a journey of healing and transformation. It's been a path filled with hard work, dedication, and incredible achievements. Today, I want to share my story - the triumphs, the recent challenges, and a revelation that's brought both relief and frustration.

The Victories


I take immense pride in the hard work I've put in over the past eight years. My efforts have led to remarkable improvements in my health:

  • Releasing asthma
  • Overcoming fibromyalgia
  • Reversing type 2 diabetes
  • Lowering high cholesterol
  • Significantly reducing arthritis pain
  • Shedding the "uber fluffiness" that had been a part of me for decades

These conditions had plagued me for years, some for decades. Through dedication and lifestyle changes, I've managed to turn my health around in ways I never thought possible.

The Recent Challenge


Despite these victories, I've recently faced a new challenge: unexplained weight gain. After nearly eight years of abstaining from ultra-processed foods (two more weeks, and it'll be official!), I've been battling what I call "weight creep."

This has been particularly difficult for me because I work in health and wellness, helping others stay off the weight loss/gain roller coaster. Being on camera frequently, I've felt the need to justify this weight gain, which I couldn't explain through my diet alone.

The Revelation


Recently, I discovered that my thyroid function has been off. My TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) level was at 12.2 - a concerning number, especially considering I've been faithfully taking thyroid medication for 35 years.

This revelation brought a mix of emotions:

  1. Relief: Finally, an explanation for the unexplained weight gain!
  2. Frustration: I'm now in a waiting period. It'll be another 9 days before I can test the effectiveness of the adjustments made to my medication over the past 4.8 weeks.

The Complexity of Weight and Health

This experience has reinforced my belief that weight and health are incredibly complex issues. While I've often attributed my recent weight gain to the stress of losing both my parents in the last 18 months, I now see that my thyroid dysfunction likely played a significant role.

I've done extensive research on metabolic slowdown, leptin and insulin resistance - especially relevant for someone like me who maintained a weight over 300 pounds for decades before losing it over two years.

It's crucial to remember that weight is not a measure of anyone's worth or overall health. There are so many factors at play, many of which are beyond our immediate control.

A Positive Turn


Since my thyroid medication was adjusted, I've experienced what feels like a miraculous gift - I've started to release quite a bit of the excess weight. It's a reminder of how interconnected our body systems are and how one imbalance can have far-reaching effects.

Moving Forward

As I continue on this journey, I'm learning to be patient with my body and to trust the process. I'm also reminded of the importance of regular check-ups and listening to our bodies, even when we think we're doing everything right.

I'd love to hear from others who have experienced similar challenges. Have you dealt with unexplained weight changes? How do you navigate the complex relationship between weight, health, and self-image, especially when your profession puts you in the public eye?

Let's continue this conversation and support each other on our health journeys, remembering that each path is unique and valid.

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