The Power of Accompaniment: AKA the Missing Step of Resonance

Aug 08, 2024

The Power of Accompaniment: Walking Beside

NOTE: The above image is of the last time Mom and I walked in my woods. The purity of this, for me, resonates so completely as accompaniment. I'm so grateful for this picture of the two of us. 

We often hear about the importance of resonance in the journey towards healing and connection. However, there's a crucial aspect of resonance that's frequently overlooked or misunderstood: accompaniment. In fact, accompaniment and resonance are one and the same—two sides of the same coin in the process of deep healing and connection.

Understanding Accompaniment as Resonance


Accompaniment, at its core, is resonance in action. It's the practice of being fully present with someone, attuning to their emotional state without trying to change or "fix" them. This is the essence of resonance - a deep, non-judgmental connection that honors where a person is in their journey.

Key Aspects of Accompaniment/Resonance:

  1. Presence Without Agenda: Being with someone without trying to change their state.
  2. Validation of Current Experience: Acknowledging and honoring where a person is right now.
  3. Creation of Safe Space: Offering a presence that allows for authentic expression.
  4. Attunement: Matching the emotional rhythm of the other person.

Why This Understanding Matters


Recognizing accompaniment as the core of resonance helps us to:

  • Shift focus from "doing" to "being" in our interactions
  • Honor the present moment rather than pushing for change
  • Create deeper, more authentic connections
  • Allow for natural healing processes to unfold

The Power of Being Accompanied/Resonated With


When we experience true accompaniment/resonance:

  • We feel deeply seen and heard
  • Shame and guilt begin to dissolve
  • We're freed from the pressure to be different
  • We can relax into our authentic selves
  • We develop greater self-compassion and self-acceptance

Practicing Accompaniment/Resonance

To practice this vital aspect of healing:

  1. Suspend any desire for the person to change
  2. Listen deeply, without trying to solve or fix
  3. Validate feelings: "It makes sense you feel this way"
  4. Honor their pace: "There's no rush, you're exactly where you need to be"
  5. Attune to their emotional state, matching their energy and rhythm
  6. Reflect back: "I hear that you're feeling..."

From Misunderstanding to Integration

Often, we mistake resonance for a technique to change someone's state. In reality, true resonance - accompaniment - is about honoring where someone is, creating a space where they feel fully accepted. This acceptance paradoxically opens the door for natural change and healing.


Accompaniment is not a step towards resonance - it is resonance. By understanding this, we can create more profound and healing connections. Remember, before we can experience the transformative power of resonance, we need to feel accepted as we are. In offering and receiving accompaniment, we create the conditions for deep healing and authentic connection.

When we truly accompany someone - resonating with their current state without judgment - we offer one of the most powerful gifts in the healing journey: the gift of being seen, heard, and accepted exactly as we are.

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