Vibrant living - what it means to me…
Feb 20, 2023
Vibrant living - what it means to me…
No matter the weather, I get excited about walking in my woods. I take a book with me or not (in my ears), I sing or not (like no one is listening), I chat with a dear friend or not….
Always surrounded by my beautiful trees. They are friends and each is unique. Some feel confident and cranky, some melancholy and morose, some pushing past others to get their share of the sun’s rays peaking through, others lie quietly while they rest, providing ample food lichen, moss and the delightful termites, ants and worms.
And then there is sleep - decadent and delirious in it’s simplicity and yet always curious - what new creative stories will unfold this night?
The colors since my cataract surgery - shock me still at their clarity and vitality.
Laughter wafting through the house as the others in my life interact.
Singing, always music of some sort - either resonating from my speakers or resounding from my earbuds, clear and memorable, delicate pictures popping into my head as each new piece reminds me of some moment in my life.
And my own body vibrating to the music, both inside and out…. Hearing my own voice and feeling it as it floats and soars in the air with the sounds of some favorite or other…. Clear that the neighbors are not shutting their windows and doors in protest, but smiling gently as they stir their morning coffee…
Looking around I see things to do that don’t stress me but call to me.
I see opportunities to dive into lovely rabbit holes of activity and wonder - clear that I’m surely in a magical space.
Checking my calendar I catch glimpses of the future, beautiful, eager, interested faces ready for growth and shifting.
Always the magic flowing in my veins. I can feel the vitality and the richness that I’ve nurtured this vessel.
Feelings of sadness and grief and gratitude and giddiness, creativity and courage, sensible quiet and voluminous laughter.... all without fear.
The incredible feeling of a seriously great poo… oh the wonder of fiber and good health. And I’m confident my poop doesn’t stink. Just sayin’
The smell of sage wafting to cleanse and enrich - a beautiful reminder that we get to choose how we heal.
Let’s not forget to dance, eh? Tickling our every cell to remind us that flow is live and living can always be vibrant.
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