Denise Houge
I have known Sonja Johansen Waters for two years. The first time I met Sonja, I knew she was special. Sonja has become a dear friend, cheerleader, confidant and source of strength and support. She has helped me with a couple IFS parts session and that has been amazing for my personal growth and insight. The experience, strength and wisdom she has gained in her own life gives her the ability to relate to so many people. I’m very grateful to have her in my life.
Sonja is one of those people who makes you feel like you’re the most special person in the room. She has a gift for raising people up and empowering them to see the love inside themselves and others. I always feel so good after we talk.

Dr. Barbara Kramen-Kahn
Clinical Psychologist
I met Sonja over two years ago when we were both team leaders in a pilot program. We were in a private Facebook group with the ten team leaders. I was struck by how often Sonja offered to share what she was doing with her group of 10 who were in direct competition with the rest of the teams. She found insightful and intuitive ways to help her team interact and bond. She was skilled at developing, following through, and creating an environment where people felt safe and were willing to take risks. She was an amazingly generous team leader who wanted everyone to succeed even though the premise of the program was one of competition. By the end of that three month program, I knew I wanted this woman in my life. Lucky me, we have been connected in various ways including a parts work MasterMind group. She has helped me immensely to grow, transform, and learn new skills. One of her superpowers is the way she believes in me and helps me focus on my strengths. She has a kind and gentle way of helping me see my blindspots while cheering me on as I expand out of my comfort zone. I feel so blessed to have her in my life.

S. Port
Sonja has been a true source of grace, love, and understanding since our paths first crossed four months ago. Sonja demonstrates an incredible knack for seeing into the depth of my being! She observes characteristics in me that I’ve been unable to see within myself! Being around Sonja and her vibrant energy is always uplifting and encouraging. I feel blessed to be in Sonja’s presence! Words are not adequate to describe her contagious joy!

Rachael Pasemko
Trauma Therapist
Sonja has been a guiding light on my journey to food freedom. Her presence is the right mix of loving acceptance and warmth balanced with accountability and inquiry that lead to answers I may not have even known I needed. She is true wisdom. I can dig into my challenges with Sonja feeling safe from judgement and leave feeling empowered, capable, and supported. And, she knows how to have fun and laugh!

Crystal Ruzicka
Every time I speak with Sonja, I walk away with a better understanding of who I am and who I want to become. She is a natural leader with an empathic heart who loves all people. Her authenticity and life story draw you in, and her genuine care and desire to walk alongside you makes you grateful to have her in your life. She understands the difficult paths life can take us down, because she has walked them herself. If I could pick one person in this world to be my guide on the side, it would be Sonja Waters. I have so much love and so much gratitude for all that she has brought to my life.

Jennifer Duvall
I met Sonja after reaching out in a food recovery program. I was scared of no longer being obese, showing up in life and interacting with people. I was scared of asking for help, unsure of how to be a friend, proper phone etiquette…I had fears about everything! Sonja called me and we began talking July 2018. She firmly helped me set and achieve small goals like initiating a phone call and leading a small group of ten women! She helped me envision what my recovery life would look like– exercise and body image for instance. We took my physical limitations and nutritional goals and came up with a unique solution to my cold and hunger: 17 minutes of jogging before breakfast. After a year of phone calls, I was brave enough to venture out of my comfort zone and travel 7 hours round trip for a meet up and twice on a plane for different recovery meet ups. After 6 years of not leaving my home, I was brave enough to appear in public because Sonja had encouraged me to look at my own body. After being obese most of my life, getting into a “normal” size body meant rolls of excess skin and stretch marks. Sonja encouraged me to do video calls and recordings. I learned to accept the sagging neck and angel wing arms AND even like them! Through Sonja’s joyful living of daily life, I am inspired to embrace my past that has given me the hope to learn to dream again.