The Willpower Instinct ... and beyond.

A Course in Healing

  • Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work on healing the reasons we go to processed food.  
  • The only way to shift is by strengthening muscle - #braintrain
  • We recognize the old, and create the new with time, effort and focus.
  • Together we dive into hands-on willpower calisthenics and resonance - a combination of The Willpower Instinct - using the framework and exercises from Kelly McGonigal's book as well as Sonja's experience and study, research from Sarah Peyton and many others to deep dive into the incredible awareness of Willpower.
Sign up here!

The Willpower Instinct - and beyond

  • Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work on healing the reasons we go to processed food.  
  • The only way to shift is by strengthening and healing muscle - brain muscle.
  • We honor the old, and create the new with time, effort and focus.
  • Together we dive into hands-on willpower calisthenics and resonance - a combination of The Willpower Instinct - using the framework and exercises from Kelly McGonigal's book as well as research from Sarah Peyton and many others to deep dive into the incredible awareness of Willpower.
Sign up here! Join us!

Get ready to do some good work

The course is divided into 12 sections to do at your own pace.

  1.  Buckle Up, Buttercup: We're about to whip your willpower into shape.
  2.  I will, I won't, I want: Unleashing your Inner Rebel for Maximum Healing.
  3. The willpower instinct: your body was born to resist cheesecake
  4. Too tired to resist: why self-control is like a muscle
  5. License to sin: why being good gives us permission to be bad
  6. The brain's big lie: why we mistake wanting for happiness
  7.  What the hell: How feeling bad leads to giving in
  8. Putting the future on sale: The economics of Instant Gratification
  9. Infected! Why willpower is contagious
  10. Don't read this Chapter: The limits of "I won't" power
  11. Part 2: Don't read this Chapter
  12. How to continue using the wisdom of I Will, I Won't and I Want to continue healing other aspects of your life. 

It's time to strengthen some self-control muscles with proven exercises and challenges.

Let's apply the tactics and methodology of the wildly popular Stanford continuing education course taught by Kelly McGonigal. 

Brought to you with Sonja-isms and wisdom from the well of psychological and neurological and common sense awareness.

We will look at specific aspects of our own lives, using tangible, real-life actions that will help shift long-held behavioral and emotional reasons we end up face planting in the pantry.  

That is what the Magic of trusted community, resonance and practice will do. 

  Our course uses this book

The Willpower Instinct:

How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It 

~ by Kelly McGonigal, PhD

NOTE: Please order one of the physical  or kindle copies for this book study. I recommend the physical book or kindle version for the clarity of the exercises. The audio book is also very well read if you are an audio learner however it doesn't have a pdf of the exercises and challenges.

Ways you may be impacted by the end of this course:

~ your sense of willpower and self-control has changed.

~the wealth of willpower experiments brings me new tools for healing the reasons I go to food.

~How many big a-ha moments helped you?

It's not about the food. 

Wait, WHAT?

Focusing on the diet shifts us from the real work

~The bottom line reasons we eat. 

~ Emotions we've stuffed down for so long...

~ SWCC (Stuff We Can't Control)

~Caregiving and responsibilities - all designed to push us toward other Busyness rather than our own Busyness.

This kind of fix takes time... and it doesn't have to be hard!

It's not about the food. 

Wait, WHAT?

Focusing on the diet shifts us from the real work

~The bottom line reasons we eat. 

~ Emotions we've stuffed down for so long...

~ SWCC (Stuff We Can't Control)

~Caregiving and responsibilities - all designed to push us toward other Busyness rather than our own Busyness.

This kind of fix takes time... and it doesn't have to be hard!

 Our course uses this book

The Willpower Instinct:

How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It 

~ by Kelly McGonigal, PhD

NOTE: Please order one of the physical  or kindle copies for this book study. I recommend the physical book or kindle version for the clarity of the exercises. The audio book is also very well read if you are an audio learner however it doesn't have a pdf of the exercises and challenges.

Ways you may be impacted by the end of this course:

~ your sense of willpower and self-control has changed.

~the wealth of willpower experiments brings me new tools for healing the reasons I go to food.

~How many big a-ha moments helped you?

The Willpower Instinct and Beyond: a Course in Healing


12 week course of study

I'm ready to study!

Who is Sonja?

I was uber fluffy for decades. I probably lost and found 1000 pounds in my lifetime. I had multiple auto-immune conditions shifting my health and comfort more and more severe. Fibromyalgia, endometriosis, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, IBS, high cholesterol, bouts of anxiety and the icing on the proverbial carrot: Severe, debilitating asthma and basically allergic to the planet. 

Yeah, it was bad. At the age of 5 my allergies and asthma pushed me to isolation and a great big pity party of sadness and anxiety. My dad said, "Sonja, you're sophisticated!" And that began my passion to reframe. I know I can shift my mindset. You do not have to suffer a core belief that you will forever be a pickle.  I will always be addicted to S/F but I don't need to be tethered to a food obsession.

So how can we heal? Remember how long you've been working on these habits and routines and behaviors and stuffing down these emotions? You've maybe figured out it's not a quick fix by any measure. So perhaps, consider joining me for 12 weeks. You might find what you need to start putting the healing salve on... and keep coming back for more and more for calm, connection, compassion and care.

The healing comes from connection, from being heard, from supporting and being supported, from learning things like resonance, "is this really true?", self-care and mindful self-compassion and a host of tips, tricks and tools to help you calm your sweet nervous system, balance your energy field, clear our very active brains and bring us to a peaceful, vibrant place.

Cuz that's where we SHOULD be living!

Walk with me?


Questions? Schedule time with Sonja

Who is Sonja?

I was uber fluffy for decades. I probably lost and found 1000 pounds in my lifetime. I had multiple auto-immune conditions shifting my health and comfort more and more severe. Fibromyalgia, endometriosis, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, IBS, high cholesterol, bouts of anxiety and the icing on the proverbial carrot: Severe, debilitating asthma and basically allergic to the planet. 

Yeah, it was bad. At the age of 5 my allergies and asthma pushed me to isolation and a great big pity party of sadness and anxiety. My dad said, "Sonja, you're sophisticated!" And that began my passion to reframe. I know I can shift my mindset. You do not have to suffer a core belief that you will forever be a pickle.  I will always be addicted to S/F but I don't need to be tethered to a food obsession.

So how can we heal? Remember how long you've been working on these habits and routines and behaviors and stuffing down these emotions? You've maybe figured out it's not a quick fix by any measure. So perhaps, consider joining me for 12 weeks. You might find what you need to start putting the healing salve on... and keep coming back for more and more for calm, connection, compassion and care.

The healing comes from connection, from being heard, from supporting and being supported, from learning things like resonance, "is this really true?", self-care and mindful self-compassion and a host of tips, tricks and tools to help you calm your sweet nervous system, balance your energy field, clear our very active brains and bring us to a peaceful, vibrant place.

Cuz that's where we SHOULD be living!

Walk with me?


There is WAY MORE to our Willpower than depleting and replenishing...

I first learned that "this isn't our fault" by reading about Willpower Depletion in the book Bright Line Eating by Susan Peirce Thompson. That was the magic sauce that flipped the switch, lit the match, grounded me in a future of working toward healing the reasons we go to food.

This book called The Willpower Instinct has taken this science to a new level, adding Self-Control and Self-Awareness along with tangible exercises that walk us through strengthening and creating literal new pathways to healing around food obsession and addiction. 

We may have the same issue, but our solutions are not the same

It's clear that you have a good idea what your basic food plan looks like. What you maybe don't know is why you can't seem to control yourself when it comes to certain foods.

That's where the Magic comes in. Let's find your missing puzzle pieces.

The solution is simple but it's not easy 

It takes time, dedication, and wonderful support.

It can be done.

Together we are more powerful - that is the MAGIC.

Willpower and Self-Control


Try new things, collect your own data and listen to the evidence. In this unique group setting, we will see how others process, glean insights from their awareness and help heal ourselves and others through community connection and trusted resonance. 

You're worth it - sign up here

There is WAY MORE to our Willpower than depleting and replenishing...

I first learned that "this isn't our fault" by reading about Willpower Depletion in the book Bright Line Eating by Susan Peirce Thompson. That was the magic sauce that flipped the switch, lit the match, grounded me in a future of working toward healing the reasons we go to food.

This book called The Willpower Instinct has taken this science to a new level, adding Self-Control and Self-Awareness along with tangible exercises that walk us through strengthening and creating literal new pathways to healing around food obsession and addiction. 

You're worth it

We have lived decades battling the diets and the weight loss and the weight gain roller coaster.

We have lacerating inner critics.

Many different sizes in our closets.

A chaotic dialogue analyzing what we should eat, what we can get away with eating, what we want to eat, what we wish we could eat, the only thing on our minds is what’s on the menu, how I can sneak something for later.

And the berating and guilt, shame and judgment flowing like a firehose around and through all our thoughts.


Maybe that’s not actually serving you?

Maybe you can let that all go?

Imagine leaving all of that behind you.

Imagine working with others who are interested in doing the hard, deep work needed to finally shed the ghosts and goblins of food obsession.

We aren’t talking about ending your addiction to overly processed foods.


It can be mainly quieted, however, by looking at the myriad reasons we eat.

We have seen it.

These are the things you CAN HEAL:

  • Emotional reasons - we could list these all day.
  • SWCC (Stuff We Can’t Control) - you know what that is and NO - we can’t change any of this. We can shift our mindset and how we show up which is EVERYTHING.
  • Behavioral patterns - we eat when we are lonely, bored, certain activities, certain events (all of them, potentially)
  • Unconscious Contracts: what we believe…. Is it really true? Are you sure?
  • And last but not least, feelings.

No wonder we struggle. 

It's Time To Heal!